" Alegria de Aprender y Elevar la Autoestima"


jueves, 19 de octubre de 2023

English 6th grade, October 19th

 Good afeternoon!

Workbook p.17

Copy this in your notebook:

Complete the sentences using the following words: kind, smart, patient, confident, athletic, funny, friendly and quiet.

1. She`s really __________. She doesn`t speak often.

2. He`s very ________. He really loves performing.

3. She`s so _________.She always knows the answer.

4. He`so ___________. He always says hello in the morning.

5. Thank you for helping me. You are very ________.

6. He`s so _______. He tells great jokes.

7. You `re _________. You play tennis, soccer and basketball.

8. I`m not very _________. I don`t like waiting.

Thank you, have an excellent weekend. See you on Monday!

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